Abdullah Al Salem University Rules & Regulations
Abdullah Al Salem University
Office of the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs and Evaluation
Cultural Relations and Scholarships Department
Abdullah Al Salem University Regulations
For Scholarship Teaching Assistants
March 2023
Modified in August 2024
Chapter One
Article (1)
Scholarship: A contract between Abdullah Al Salem University and the scholarship teaching assistant, through which they obtain a master's degree, a doctorate in philosophy, or its equivalent (or a Ph.D. degree or its equivalent for those holding a master's degree) in the specified field from an accredited university recognized by Abdullah Al Salem University, within the timeframe specified by the regulations according to the procedures and requirements stated in these regulations. This excludes the master's degree in the case of prestigious universities where the doctoral program does not require obtaining a master's degree.
General Specialization: This refers to a specialization related to the academic program from which the Scholarship teaching assistant has been sent.
Specific Specialization: This is a particular specialization that falls under a general specialization within the academic program.
Accredited University: This refers to a university approved for scholarship in a specific specialization by the program scholarship committee and the faculty scholarship committee, according to the requirements and standards set by the general scholarship committee.
Regulations: This refers to the regulations governing the dispatch of the university scholarship teaching assistants.
Academic Advisor: A member of the teaching staff at the host university who supervises the academic progress of the Scholarship teaching assistant.
Applicant: Any individual who applies to the Cultural Relations and Scholarships Department to obtain a scholarship from the university. The application must meet the general scholarship conditions and the requirements of the academic program and relevant faculty within the announced time for the university scholarships.
Scholarship teaching assistant candidate: the person who has met the conditions for the scholarship and has been approved to receive a scholarship by the General Scholarship Department, and for whom no decision has been issued by the university president regarding their appointment.
Scholarship teaching assistant: Is the person who has been appointed by a decision from the university president in preparation for being sent on a scholarship according to the procedures and conditions outlined in this regulation.
Scholarship Location: The location where the approved university to which the student is to be sent.
Scholarship Family: This includes the spouse, children, and regarding individuals with disabilities who are not married, one of their first- or second-degree relatives, or dependents, as per the provisions of Law No. (8/ 2010) concerning the rights of persons with disabilities.
Evaluation Form: The form used for evaluating applicants for scholarships, approved by the General Committee for Scholarship.
Salary: The financial amounts received by the student in Kuwait upon the issuance of their appointment decision.
Allowance: The financial amounts received by the student from the Cultural Office upon joining the scholarship location during their study period.
Complaints Committee: The committee formed by the university president to review complaints from scholarship applicants whose requests have been rejected.
Objective of the Scholarship
Article (2)
The objective of the scholarship is to obtain a Ph.D. degree or its equivalent in the specialty for which the student is sent, from an accredited university in accordance with the requirements and accreditation standards set by the General Committee for Scholarships.
Chapter Two
Formation of the General Committee for Scholarships
at the University and its Responsibilities
Article Three
The General Committee for Scholarships at the University is formed by the Deputy Director of the University for Academic Affairs and Evaluation or their delegate, and its membership includes:
3.1 Deans of the faculties or their representatives.
3.2 Director of the Cultural Relations and Scholarships Department or their deputy, observant member.
Article Four
The General Committee for Scholarships is responsible for the following matters:
4.1 Establishing the general scholarship policy according to the university needs and submitting it to the University Council for approval.
4.2 Preparing and monitoring the annual general plan for the university's scholarships and following up on its implementation.
4.3 Setting the general regulations and requirements for the accreditation of universities and submitting them to the University Council for approval. The committee adopts a unified policy for preparing lists of accredited scholarships in the academic program according to academic standards.
4.4 Recommending candidates for the position of Scholarship teaching assistant based on the recommendations of the scholarship committees in the college, then referring them to the Director of the University for approval.
4.5 Considering cases specified in Article (10), Item (10.5), Article (13), Item (13.4), and Article (27), Item (27.2), the committee decides on the recommendations of the scholarship committees regarding the withdrawal of scholarships and cancellation of scholarship teaching assistant positions for those who fail in their studies within the specified scholarship period.
4.5 Deciding on requests for changing scholarship location.
4.6 Discussing the annual report on scholarships and issuing any relevant recommendations in this regard. 4.8 Considering subjects referred to by the Director of the University.
4.7 Reviewing subjects forwarded from the director of the university
Article Five
The committee shall meet at least once during the semester, and it may also meet during the summer period. Meetings are valid with the presence of most members, and decisions are made by a majority of the votes of those present. In the event of a tie, the side with the chairperson of the committee prevails. During the summer period, the general committee for scholarship may meet remotely via the approved platforms of the university.
Chapter Three
Formation of the College Mission Committee and Its Responsibilities
Article Six
The Dean of the College shall annually form the College Scholarship Committee, chaired by himself or by the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, including members of heads of the Scholarship Committees in academic programs.
Article Seven
The College Mission Committee is responsible for the following:
7.1 Preparing the annual Scholarship plan for the college upon the General Scholarship plan of the university regarding the number, specialization, and required conditions, and submitting it to the General Scholarships Committee for approval.
7.2 Reviewing reports submitted by the Scholarships committees in academic programs regarding applicants for the position of Scholarship teaching assistant in the scholarship, and interviewing all those nominated by the program scholarship committee, in addition to those who were rejected but have an overall average that qualifies them (according to the bachelor's degree evaluation criteria in the applicant evaluation form for the Scholarship teaching assistant scholarship position). Recommendations regarding nominations or rejections should be submitted to the General Scholarships Committee.
7.3 Extending the scholarship period or dismissing Scholarship teaching assistants who experience difficulties in their studies during the designated scholarship period, based on the recommendations of the academic program's scholarship committee, and submitting the necessary recommendations to the General Scholarship Committee.
7.4 Approving the proposed list of universities for scholarships for college specializations based on the recommendations of the scholarship committees for academic programs, in accordance with the requirements and standards set by the general scholarship committee.
7.5 Considering the topics referred to by the Dean of the College.
7.6 If the scholarship committees for academic programs and the college are unable to meet, the Dean of the College or their delegate is authorized to approve the extension and suspension of scholarships and to approve academic admissions during the summer period. During the summer, the scholarship committees for the academic programs and the college may meet remotely through the approved university platforms.
7.7 Both the scholarship committee for the academic programs and the college scholarship committee may conduct interviews using visual communication methods if the applicant is unable to attend in person, provided there are convincing reasons.
Chapter Four
Formation of the Scholarship Committee in the Academic Program
Article Eight
A scholarship committee will be formed annually at the level of the academic program, consisting of five members, with no fewer than three. The head of the program will act as the committee's secretary, and the council of the academic program will select the remaining members from among the faculty members in the academic department, ensuring that most of the members hold at least the rank of assistant professor. If it is not possible to form the committee in this manner, the dean of the college will complete its formation based on the conditions of the faculty members in the college.
Article Nine
The scholarship committee is responsible for the following matters:
9.1 Preparing a draft plan for scholarships based on the needs of the teaching staff and the strategy of the academic program, aimed at building research groups in vital scientific fields, and submitting it to the college scholarship committee.
9.2 Reviewing applications from candidates for the position of assistant teaching on scholarship, conducting interviews for all candidates based on the admission criteria outlined in the regulations, and preparing a report on the results of these interviews, including the names of the nominees, to be submitted to the dean of the college in preparation for presentation to the college scholarship committee.
9.3 Follow up on the Scholarship teaching assistant’s academic performance and make the necessary recommendations regarding extension requests, as well as dismissing the Scholarship teaching assistants who are facing difficulties during the specified duration of the scholarship to the Dean of the College.
9.4 Suggest universities eligible for scholarships for various program majors, according to the requirements and accreditation criteria set by the General Scholarship Committee.
9.5 When it is difficult for the Scholarship Committee to meet with the academic program during the summer semester, the head of the academic program or their delegate should submit the necessary recommendations regarding scholarship extensions, suspension, and the approval of summer enrollment, provided that the university is among the list of accredited universities by the academic program. Additionally, during the summer semester, the Scholarship Committees can meet remotely through approved platforms at the university.
Chapter Five
Conditions for Appointment to Scholarships and nomination procedure
Article (10)
Appointment conditions for the position of Scholarship teaching assistant:
10.1 Applicant be a Kuwaiti citizen.
10.2 The applicant must have a good reputation and conduct and must not have previously been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor that undermines honor.
10.3 The applicant must be medically fit.
10.4 The age of the applicant for master's and doctoral scholarships must not exceed thirty-five years at the time of submitting the application for the assistant teaching position, in accordance with the specified deadlines for submitting applications as announced by Abdullah Al Salem University.
10.5 The applicant must have obtained an unconditional academic acceptance from an accredited university in the academic program at the time of submitting the application for the scholarship teaching assistant.
10.6 To obtain a general average in a university degree minimum of (3) points out of (4) points, or an equivalent score. This does not apply to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in clinical specialties, where the average must not be less than (2.67) out of (4) points.
Article (11)
The Administration of Cultural Relations and Scholarships is responsible for announcing university scholarship vacancies, receiving applications for the position of scholarship teaching assistant, following up on the cases of the Scholarship teaching assistants, managing their appointment procedures, supervising the implementation of the regulations stated in the scholarship regulation for university scholarship teaching assistants, and preparing the agenda for the General Scholarship Committee.
Article (12)
Upon fulfilling the appointment conditions as per Article 10, the following applies:
Those nominated will be appointed as scholarship teaching assistants at least one month before the start of classes at the accepted university. They must report to their scholarship location within this period and before the start of classes. If they do not report on time, the matter will be presented to the General Scholarship Committee for a decision regarding the deferral of their studies for a maximum of one year, provided there are compelling and unforeseen reasons beyond the candidate's control, based on the recommendations of the Scholarship Committee regarding the academic program and curriculum. Additionally, to defer their reporting to the scholarship location, they must obtain a new academic acceptance from the university of scholarship.
Chapter Six
Scholarship duration
Article (13)
13.1 The original duration of the scholarship is five years to obtain a master's and doctoral degree. The duration is three years for those who hold a master's degree and are sent to obtain a doctoral degree only. The start of the scholarship is calculated from the date of the start of studies indicated in the acceptance notice issued by the accredited university for the scholarship.
13.2 If the specified duration of the scholarship has expired as mentioned in item (13.1), and in accordance with what is stated in paragraph (13.1) above, it is permissible to extend for another year with same salaries and allowances, after the approval of the Scholarship Committee at the college and based on the recommendation of the Academic Program Scholarship Committee and a recommendation from the assigned academic advisor for the scholarship teaching assistant.
13.3 It should be noted that the maximum period to obtain a master's degree is two years from the start of academic study. If the Scholarship teaching assistant does not obtain the master's degree within this period, their case will be presented to the General Scholarship Committee to determine their status based on the recommendation of the Academic Program Scholarship Committee.
13.4 If the Scholarship teaching assistant has exhausted the original scholarship duration specified in paragraph (13.1) and the additional year mentioned in paragraph (13.2), it is permissible, with the approval of the scholarship committee at the college based on the recommendation of the academic program scholarship committee, to extend the scholarship for a maximum of one additional year with salaries and allowances. If they do not obtain the doctoral degree within this year, the scholarship will be revoked, and the position will be automatically terminated by a decision from the university director without the need to present it to the Academic Program Scholarship Committee, the College Scholarship Committee, or the General Scholarship Committee.
13.5 If a scholarship is canceled due to the expiration of the allocated period for obtaining a doctorate degree within three years from the date of cancellation, he/ she submits a request to be appointed as a faculty member at the university within three months from the date he/ she obtains the doctorate, he/ she will automatically be appointed at the university, provided that a decision is issued by the university director. This is conditional upon not violating any of the conditions of the scholarship, being qualified in the specific major he/ she was sent for and obtaining the doctorate degree from the same university he/ she was attending before. The period from the date of cancellation to the date of appointment is calculated as study leave without salary or allowances, and he/ she will not be required to reimburse the study expenses.
13.6 A scholarship teaching assistant whose scholarship was canceled due to the expiration of the allocated period, who then obtains a Doctor of Philosophy degree or its equivalent after the period mentioned in section (13.5) and is appointed as a faculty member at the university, will have any outstanding study expenses waved. Furthermore, the demand for reimbursement will be suspended throughout the period of assignment with the intention of hiring, while considering the provisions in Article (24) of the regulations.
13.7 The applicant who has obtained a doctoral degree during the period mentioned in items (13.1), (13.2), and (13.4) can apply for a postdoctoral fellowship for a duration of no more than two years at one of the accredited universities for scholarship under the academic program. This is contingent upon the approval of the Scholarship Committee in the academic program and the General Scholarship Committee regarding the research plan that the Scholarship teaching assistant will undertake in the postdoctoral program.
Chapter Seven
Duties and Responsibilities of Scholarship teaching assistants
Article (14)
A scholarship teaching assistant must complete their studies within the specified duration of their scholarship, attend lectures regularly, fulfill their academic duties, maintain good conduct, and preserve the reputation and dignity of their country. They must also respect the laws, rules, and traditions of the host country.
Article (15)
15.1 A scholarship teaching assistant is not allowed to engage in any work during the scholarship period unless it is related to their scholarship and has the approval of the academic advisor, provided it does not affect their studies and after obtaining the approval of the college Scholarship Committee based on a recommendation from the academic program scholarship committee.
15.2 A scholarship teaching assistant must include the name of Abdullah Al Salem University on any academic output produced during their scholarship. An exception to this requirement may be granted upon request with the approval of the General Scholarship Committee.
15.3 A scholarship teaching assistant at the doctoral level is required to publish at least one research paper in a peer-reviewed academic journal before obtaining their doctoral degree and enrolling at Abdullah Al Salem University.
Article (16)
Changing the major is not allowed unless there is prior approval from the Academic Program Scholarship Committee and the College Scholarship Committee, and the new major must be consistent with what is stated in paragraph (9.1) of Article (9).
Article (17)
17.1 Changing the university (during the study phase) is not permitted without a prior recommendation from the Academic Program Scholarship Committee and the College Scholarship Committee, as well as the approval of the General Scholarship Committee. The scholarship teaching assistant must submit a request to change the scholarship location at least three months before the start of classes at the new university they wish to transfer to, accompanied by acceptance documents. This request must be submitted during the academic year and the cultural office must be notified. In all cases, requests will not be considered during the summer vacation.
17.2 Changing the country of the scholarship location is only permissible for objective reasons beyond the control of the scholarship holder, as assessed by the General Scholarship Committee. The scholarship holder must submit a request to change the country at least three months before the start of classes at the new university they wish to transfer to, accompanied by acceptance documents. This request must also be submitted during the academic year with notification to the cultural office. Again, requests will not be considered during the summer vacation.
Article (18)
The scholarship holder may leave their scholarship location after obtaining approval from the Academic Program and the cultural office. The monthly allowances will continue to be disbursed if he/ she is committed to their scholarship location and is enrolled in their studies, in accordance with what is stated in Article (28) Item (28.3) and Article (33).
Article (19)
19.1 The Scholarship teaching assistant must commit in writing to regularly send copies of their academic reports to the academic program through the Cultural Relations and Scholarships Administration and the Cultural Office, as authorized by the university they are attending. In the event of a delay in sending the academic reports or exam results beyond a maximum period of six weeks after the end of the semester, the Cultural Office may temporarily suspend the disbursement of allowances, and it will be resumed upon receiving the document.
The Scholarship teaching assistant is also required to authorize the Cultural Office to communicate with the university on his / her behalf.
19.2 The student’s allowance will be suspended automatically if the student withdraws the authorization mentioned in the previous item.
19.3 Allowances will be suspended if an academic year elapses without receiving academic reports. The case will be presented to the General Committee to consider the continuation of the scholarship.
19.4 Cultural Offices abroad are responsible for supervising university students, must provide The Cultural Relations Administration with a detailed report about their academic progress for every semester.
Article (20)
20.1 The student must adhere to the full course load as specified by the university they are enrolled in.
20.2 In case of non-compliance, the student must provide reasons for the circumstances that prevented it.
20.3 If the student continues with less than the specified academic load, the case is sent to the General Scholarship Committee to make the proper decision.
20.4 Any period during which the scholarship student is not studying while at the scholarship location will result in the suspension of financial allowances for that period, and no compensation will be provided. If the suspension lasts for more than one semester without acceptable reason, the committee may decide to revoke the Scholarship upon The Academic Program Committee and the College recommendations.
Article (21)
21.1 The scholarship student must achieve a general semester GPA as stated by the regulations, and in all cases, it should not be less than 3.0 out of 4.0 or its equivalent. If the GPA drops for the first time, the Cultural Relations and Scholarships Department, based on the recommendation of the scholarship committee in the academic program, will issue a warning to the student urging him/ her to improve their academic standing and to provide reasons for the decline.
21.2 If the GPA drops below the required threshold at the university for the second time, the matter will be referred to the General Committee for Scholarships to consider the continuation of the scholarship.
21.3 For students from the Faculty of Health and Medicine in clinical specialties, the academic advisor’s report will be reviewed regarding the points (21.1, 21.2) mentioned above.
Article (22)
In accordance with the regulations regarding the academic load, the following rules apply:
22.1 The scholarship student, upon registering at the university, must work to complete the designated program within the specified timeframe.
22.2 If the scholarship student withdraws from any course, they must contact the cultural office providing reasons for the withdrawal.
22.3 If the Scholarship Committee in the academic program does not approve of the reasons provided by the scholarship student for withdrawing from the course, they will be responsible for the expenses for the withdrawn course.
22.4 Abdullah Al Salem University will cover tuition for courses registered by the scholarship student that are not considered outside their academic program.
22.5 The scholarship student must provide proof from the academic advisor that their doctoral thesis is within their specialized field.
22.6 The PhD student must submit a study report accompanied by an annual report from the academic advisor regarding their thesis.
22.7 If the university where the student is enrolled pays the tuition fees or part of them, the student is not eligible to claim those fees.
22.8 The academic program, with the approval of the faculty committee, may request that the student register for a course in the Teaching Methods if this course is available at the universities.
Article (23)
A scholarship student is required to return to work within three months from the date of completing the necessary requirements to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy degree or its equivalent from the university, provided that the duration of the scholarship as stated in Article (13) has not expired. If he/ she fails to comply with this obligation, he/ she must reimburse all scholarship expenses.
Article (24)
The scholarship student is required, after obtaining a doctoral degree and the issuance of his appointment as a faculty member, to work at the university for a duration not less than the time he spent on the scholarship. If he breaches this obligation, he must repay all scholarship expenses. The Council may exempt him from these expenses for national interests.
Article (25)
The scholarship student must provide a written promissory note signed by himself and a capable guarantor, in which they agree to repay 50% of the expenses incurred by the university for travel and study fees as of the date of issuance of the decision to withdraw the scholarship or acceptance of his resignation. The student must also repay any salaries, travel expenses, tuition, and any other expenses incurred after the date of the decision to withdraw the scholarship or accept his resignation.
Chapter Eight
Withdrawal and Suspension of the Scholarship
Article (26)
If a Scholarship teaching assistant submits their resignation, it will not be considered effective until a decision is issued by the university president accepting it, or after 30 days from the date of submission, whichever comes first. The university is not obligated to pay any tuition fees from the date of submitting the resignation request.
Article (27)
27.1 It is permissible to suspend the scholarship for one time or two times maximum, provided that the total duration does not exceed twelve months during the period of the scholarship. This is based on a request from the scholarship student, detailing the reasons for the suspension. The suspension will be enacted by a decision issued by the university president based on the recommendation of the scholarship committee in the academic program, the college scholarship committee, and the general scholarship committee. Allowances will be stopped only from the date the scholarship is suspended.
27.2 After the suspension period has ended, the scholarship student must notify the academic program through the Cultural Office and the Department of Cultural Relations and Scholarships about their return to study. If they fail to resume their studies, the scholarship will be withdrawn, and the position will be automatically canceled by the university president without the need to present it to the scholarship committees of the academic program and college, and the general scholarship committee.
Article (28)
28.1 The scholarship teaching assistant is required to obtain acceptance into a doctoral program while studying for their master's degree.
28.2 The university will not cover tuition for those who complete their master's degree without obtaining acceptance into a doctoral program. However, compensation for those expenses may be granted if they are included in the doctoral program.
28.3 Students with a master’s degree are granted a three-month allowance which can automatically extend to an additional three months without allowances to obtain unconditional acceptance for a doctoral program, this period will be counted as part of the scholarship duration. If they do not secure acceptance after this period, the General Scholarship Committee will review their case regarding the continuation of their scholarship.
Article (29)
29.1 A Female Scholarship teaching assistant is entitled to two-month maternity leave, provided the request is submitted during this period. This leave is added to their original scholarship duration.
29.2 A student can take sick leave with full salary and will take full salary and stipend if the student is present at the scholarship location during the sick leave period. Medical reports must be submitted and approved by the cultural office and the general medical council in Kuwait. If sick leave exceeds two years, the case will be reviewed by the scholarship committee to decide on the continuation of the scholarship, contingent to continue study at the same university, and the leave time does not exceed two years in any case.
29.3 The General Committee of Scholarship can exempt a Scholarship teaching assistant from completing their scholarship for valid health reasons approved by the Medical Council in Kuwait. In such cases, no financial reimbursements will be required, and all financial obligations will be waived in the event of the student’s death.
Chapter nine
Financial Rules
Applied to both genders
Article (30)
The university covers the travel expenses of the scholarship student and their families from Kuwait to their study destination, as well as their return after the scholarship ends, in accordance with the following:
30.1 The Scholarship teaching assistant is entitled to receive travel expenses in cash (at the discounted economy class ticket as detailed in Attachment (1) to the nearest airport to their scholarship location, according to the regulations approved by the university council.
30.2 The university covers the expenses of (20) kilograms of luggage weight in cash when the scholarship assistant travels to their scholarship location, for themselves and for each member of their family. The university also covers the expenses of shipping the luggage of the student upon their return after completing the objectives of their scholarship, within the limits of (20) kilograms for the student and for each family member if traveling by air, and (100) kilograms each if traveling by land or sea, in addition to shipping expenses not exceeding 500 K.D. (five hundred Kuwaiti Dinars).
30.3 Travel tickets and financial allowances for the accompanying members of the scholarship student's family are not provided if both spouses are on scholarship at the same time. A commitment must be signed by both parties to prevent double payment.
Article (31)
The scholarship teaching assistant is entitled to receive travel expenses in cash (at the value of the discounted economy class ticket as detailed in attachment # (1) during the period of their study from their study location to Kuwait and back under the following circumstances:
31.1 If the medical treatment period exceeds 6 months, and if the condition needs the scholarship teaching assistant's presence, this must be confirmed by a medical certificate approved by the Cultural Office.
31.2 If a scholarship teaching assistant is allowed to take leave annually for one month, he/ she must notify the Cultural Office in advance, ensuring that the remaining duration of the scholarship does not fall below 6 months.
The scholarship teaching assistant who is sent in accordance with Item (31.2) has the right to bring his family, and he is also entitled to bring his family according to Item (31.1) above if his presence lasts for 3 months or more.
Article (32)
The Scholarship teaching assistant who joins the scholarship location shall receive, in addition to the comprehensive allowance (attachment# 2) that he receives in Kuwait, allowances according to the criteria approved by the university council (attached # 3). The scholarship teaching assistant shall also receive an amount equivalent to 50% of the monthly allowance, and 10% for each of his/ her children, with a maximum of three children. The Scholarship teaching assistant shall receive for the first month an amount equivalent to five times the monthly allowance allocated to him/ her as a one-time initial payment.
Scholarship teaching assistants in the fields of health and medicine (specifically for medical technicians) shall receive the same financial treatment as those sent by the Ministry of Health, and they shall receive the higher allowance between that of Abdullah Al-Salem University and the Ministry of Health. The allowances for the female student shall not be paid if her spouse is also on a scholarship during the same period.
Article (33)
The Scholarship teaching assistant shall be granted travel expenses in cash (at the value of the discounted economy class ticket) if he travels for matters related to his research, provided that the travel is based on a recommendation from his/ her academic advisor and the approval of the Scholarship committee at the university, this allowance is applicable only once for the master's degree and once for the doctoral degree. The university shall cover the excess weight expenses for books and research materials, provided that the weight does not exceed 30 kilograms, and this will be paid in cash. The Scholarship teaching assistant shall receive the allowances he/she is entitled to in the country of scholarship for a maximum of four months, and if this period is exceeded, the allowances will be suspended.
Article (34)
The University committed to encouraging participation in conferences and specialized workshops, as they are important for gaining knowledge and gathering data, to organize this, the following rules shall be followed:
34.1 The Scholarship teaching assistant has a total of (1500.00 K. D- One thousand five hundred Kuwaiti Dinars) or its equivalent to cover the costs of attending conferences and specialized workshops during the scholarship period.
34.2 The Scholarship teaching assistant must obtain the recommendation of the advisor and the Cultural Office according to the established rules before attending conferences and specialized workshops.
34.3 The Scholarship teaching assistant must provide the cultural office with a copy of the travel ticket; accordingly, the student will be reimbursed, expenses for stay will be deducted from their allocation for attending conference and workshops.
34.4 the Scholarship teaching assistant is required to write a report to explain the benefit of attending the conference and the specialized workshop and send to the Academic Program director through the Cultural office and the Cultural Relations and Scholarships Dept within two weeks of their return. If the student does not abide by this policy, he/ she will not be approved to attend future conferences or workshops.
Article (35)
The Scholarship teaching assistant shall receive tuition and examinations fees if it is part of the requirement of their study program.
Article (36)
The university will bear the following expenses for the education of the Scholarship teaching assistant’s families who are present at the scholarship location:
36.1 Language education for only two semesters.
36.2 Education in different levels (kindergarten/ Elementary/Middle/ High school), the University will bear education fees and other advantages related to studying whether its public or private in the amount of maximum (3500.00 K. D) or its equivalent annually, for each member of the family.
36.3 The university will bear the college tuition fees whether it’s public or private and will not bear educational fees after college (Diploma/ Master/ PhD) or tutor.
Regarding education for the Scholarship teaching assistant’s spouse and children who are studying in colleges, The scholarship rules and regulations shall be applied and followed, the university will not bear any expenses other than what was mentioned above.
Article (37)
The Scholarship teaching assistant will receive book allowances, subscription in Scientific magazines in the field of study in the amount of (500.00 K. D) or its equivalent annually, also will receive computer allowance in the amount of (600.00 K. D) maximum or its equivalent for one time during the period of study provided with the proper documents.
Article (38)
The university bears the costs of printing the thesis and research of the Scholarship teaching assistant with maximum of (250.00 K. D) or its equivalent for master level, and (350.00 K. D) or its equivalent for PhD level, provided that the student submits two copies of the thesis to the college and the Cultural Office. The Cultural Office may cover any extra of the amounts mentioned above with a maximum of (150.00 K. D) or its equivalent.
Article (39)
The university will bear the following:
39.1 Health insurance for the student and his/ her families who are present at the scholarship location according to the regulations decided by Ministry of Health in this regard.
39.2 Disability expenses for the family of the student, who need a special education and accommodations.
39.3 Expenses of transporting the body to Kuwait- in the event of the death of the student or any of his/ her family at the scholarship location, in addition to return ticket for the rest of the family members.
Article (40)
The university director forms a committee annually to review the complaints of scholarship applicants whose applications were denied, which were forwarded from the university’s director, the committee will provide its recommendations to the university director to review and make the proper decision.
Article (41)
The Cultural Relation and Scholarship Dept has the right to escalate any violations of this regulation committed by the student to the General Scholarship Committee to take the necessary action and procedures.
Founding Administrative Board
Abdullah Al Salem University
Chairman of the Founding Council of Abdullah Al Salem University
# (133) 06/12/2024
Decree of Teaching staff’s cadre at Abdullah Al Salem University
- It has been decided -
- Article (1): The travel allowances for teaching assistants are approved as shown in table (1).
- Article (2): The salary scale for teaching assistants is according to the table (2).
- Article (3): The scholarship allocations for teaching assistants are as outlined in the attachment # (3) (United Kingdom – the United States of America, Washington/ Los Angelos – Canada- Ireland- Australian Commonwealth- New Zealand)
- Article (4): This decree is effective from the date of its issuance.
Attachment 1
Travel expenses are due to scholarship teaching assistants at
Abdullah Al Salem University in Kuwaiti Dinars
Travel expenses due to scholarship assistants at Abdullah Al-Salem University in Kuwaiti Dinars
# |
Country |
Adult |
Children from 2-12 |
Children less than 2 years old |
One way |
Round trip |
One way |
Round trip |
One way |
Round trip |
1 |
United States and Canada |
429 |
477 |
222 |
323 |
42 |
46 |
2 |
United Kingdom |
313 |
340 |
210 |
231 |
30 |
33 |
3 |
Australia (Bertha) |
476 |
506 |
320 |
337 |
48 |
51 |
4 |
Australia (Brisbane) |
527 |
605 |
354 |
404 |
53 |
61 |
Attachment 2
Abdullah Al Salem teaching assistant cadre
Base salary |
Annual increase |
Social allowance |
Nature of work allowance |
Incentive bonus |
Monthly Bonus |
Financial support |
Coast of living |
Special incentive |
first |
last |
Value |
# |
Singles |
married |
405 K.D |
465 K.D |
10 K.D |
6 |
190 K.D |
278 K. D |
280 K. D |
110 K. D |
50 K. D |
50 K. D |
120 K. D |
102 K. D |
Attachment 3
Abdullah Al Salem allowances
for teaching assistants
Founding Administrative Board
Abdullah Al Salem university
Scholarship Allowances for teaching assistant at Abdullah Al Salem University
(The United Kingdom- the United State of America/ Washington / Los Angeles - Canada – Ireland- Australian Commonwealth -New Zealand)
The United States – Washington
Scholarship student dues |
Amount in U.S dollar |
Pre-travel (K.D) |
$ 1427.00 |
Monthly salary |
$ 5850.00 |
Tools and Equipment – scientific study |
$ 1300.00 |
Toos and equipment -theoretical study |
$ 1300.00 |
Book allowance – scientific Study |
$ 1800.00 |
Book allowances – theoretical study |
$ 1800.00 |
Clothes allowances |
$ 1000.00 |
Clinical allowances |
$ 950.00 |
The United States – Los Angeles
Scholarship student dues |
Amount in U.S dollar |
Pre-travel (K.D) |
$ 1645.00 |
Monthly salary |
$ 5850.00 |
Tools and Equipment – scientific study |
$ 1300.00 |
Study supplies- theoretical study |
$ 1300.00 |
Book allowances – scientific study |
$ 1800.00 |
Book allowances – theoretical study |
$ 1800.00 |
Clothes allowances |
$ 1000.00 |
Clinical allowances |
$ 950.00 |
Founding Administrative Board
Abdullah Al Salem university
Scholarship student dues |
Amount in Canadian dollar |
Pre-travel (K.D) |
$ 1427.00 |
Monthly salary |
$ 6075.00 |
Tools and Equipment – scientific study |
$ 1650.00 |
Book allowances- scientific study |
$ 2250.00 |
Book allowances – theoretical study |
$ 2250.00 |
Clothes allowances |
$ 1300.00 |
Clinical allowances |
$ 1200.00 |