S. Yousef Alrefaei, Ph.D.
Cultural Counselor
Cultural Office of the Embassy of Kuwait

Phone: (202)364-2190
Fax: (202)363-8394

Dr. S. Yousef Alrefaei is currently a Cultural Counselor at Washington DC.

In 1998, he joined the College of Health Sciences at the Public Authority of Applied Education and Training, or PAAET. He was appointed as head of various committees at the College of Health Sciences at PAAET as well as served as head of department of Medical Laboratories. In 2002, he earned a Master Degree in Public Health and Tropical Medicine (MPH & TM) from Tulane University and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences and Tropical Medicine from the George Washington University in 2012.

Prior to earning his PhD, he held the position of assistant professor and staff member at the Medical Laboratory Department at PAAET since 2012.



Medical Insurance Emergency Line:  + (1) 866 654 7449

Office Number: + (1) 202 364 2100

Fax Number:  + (1) 202 363 8394


Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday

9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m est


Employees Only



Embassy/Consulates Contacts

Main Embassy:            + (1) 202 262 0758

Health Office:             + (1) 202 320 2415

LA Cultural Office:        + (1) 424 666 4214

LA General Consulate:   + (1) 310 279 3644

NY General Consulate:  + (1) 917 242 6688

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